New and need help on EZGO year and model

R.K 1309

New Member
New to the golf cart craze and need help. I was wondering how you can I. D. the year and make of an EZGO cart. I'm looking at purchasing one from a friend who has no idea what model or year it is. The cart doesn't have head lights, but it does have a fold down back seat that turns into a flat bed. Thank you for any help.


Tennessee Squire
to Cartaholics.

EZGO Medalist and TXT models (1994 to present)
The serial number and manufacturer's number for these EZGO golf cart models can be found on a plate located in the glove box on the passenger's side of the vehicle. The serial number is either six or seven numbers and does not indicate the model year. The manufacturer's number does reflect the model year. This series will have one letter and three or four numbers which will include two numbers indicating the last two digits of the year it was manufactured.

EZGO Marathon models (1976 to 1993)
The serial number and manufacturer's number for these EZGO golf cart models can be found on a plate located under the glove box on the passenger's side of the vehicle. The serial number is either six or seven numbers and does not indicate the model year. The manufacturer's number does reflect the model year. This series will have one letter and three or four numbers which will include two numbers indicating the last two digits of the year it was manufactured.

EZGO Golf Carts (prior to 1976)
On EZGO golf carts prior to 1976, you can find the serial number plate on the fender skirt under the driver's side seat. There is no simple formula for vehicles manufactured before 1976. You must e-mail us with all these numbers so we can help determine what model year you have. Please include all the numbers that you find on the plate.

R.K 1309

New Member
Thank you very much for the info. I'll see what he's got. Are these carts a good one to modify..lift it,engine mods. Should I also look for trouble spots? Thanks again for your help.


Welcome to Cartaholics.

The frame, suspension and engine are the same on a Medalist and a TXT. The only real difference is the body. Get the manufacturers code off the tag and look under the seat and let us know what you find and we can tell you more about the cart.