Need a trailer to pull with my Cart-suggestions

Hello! I've been looking around for specs and ideas for a trailer that my 36 volt Club Cart could pull. I want to haul lightweight items from my workshop to my sales shop. They are more bulk than weight.

I could see using my Glam Trailer in art festivals, too. has to look good! :)

I rather liked one at Fleet Farm of black mesh with removable wood sides. The sides could be painted or replaced with other items-art pieces.

Let's throw my camper I travel with into the mix. We may as well get the camper, the Mercedes, the Glam Trailer all to complement each other?

Okay, fellas, what do you suggest?
Golf Cart Rear Seat Trailer Hitch

My 1988 Club Cart 36 V, in really nice condition, is getting a makeover. I need a trailer to move items. My cart has the bench, rear facing seat.
Is this the hitch I need?

Would I weld this onto the frame under the cart?
Does it get bolted onto the frame?

I'm not sure which trailer I'm getting yet. I guess it depends on how much I'll be able to pull.

How do I determine this? Yikes!

Thanks, again!

Golf Cart Garage is a nice site. I wish they would show more videos.


Cartaholic - V.I.P.
I looked at this trailer today @ T/S and i think it would good for a cart, change out the wheels and tires and a few little add on's and:thumbsup: