Wiring Questions on Club Car


New Member
Question I have regarding the reverse buzzer. My wiring diagrams I had faxed to me from the local Club Car dealer show that both wires from the reverese buzzer go to positive. Is this correct? The sticker on the back of the buzzer shows a positive and negative side. Also the wiring diagram shows that the red ignition wire is to go to the negative side on my charge plug while the blue wire goes to the micro switch on the FNR. Shouldn't the red wire go to a positive power source off of the batteries somewhere so the igniton will throw power back out? Last but not least, the reverse side off of the FNR is a green #6 wire that goes to the battery in the middle of the series. In theory this would only allow 18 volts to come through in reverse. Is this correct? Like I said, my diagram is direct from club car, but I am also trying to undertand in theory as well.
It is a '93 Club Car and a resistor cart. We figured it was designed to be at 18 volts in reverse. Now what about the wiring questions for the reverse buzzer and where should the red #18 ignition wire go to? It shows it to go to the negative side of the charge port, but should it not go to as a power source? The other wire, a blue #18 goes to one of the terminals on the micro switch on the FNR.
If you have the right wiring diagram I'd go by that. There should be a wiring diagram here in the Club Car Resource forum.
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