What is draining my battery?


New Member
I put a new coil and ignitor on and the cart runs good but the battery drains in a couple of days.
Any ideas 92 gasser? FE290
check and load test battery if its good than you could have a bad voltage regulator........do you have a voltage meter.......................................
New battery that checks good. I didnt have this problem until I replaced the ignitor.
The only accessories I have are Headlights and taillights.
With the cart running at about half throttle take a voltage reading at the battery with a digital meter and post the results...
coil and ignitor have nothing to do with charging you need to load test battery and if its good than check voltage regulator, 92,s are famus for bad V.R,s and very easy to check you jast need a voltage meter.....................i just posted a response to another member and spelled out how to test it so find that thread its in this forum and follow directions you,ll know in under 2 minutes...........also check your battery ground cable.................................
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