Vacuum Hose for Fuel Pump


New Member
Can I use regular 1/4" fuel line for the fuel pump vacuum line? Mine's a little on the short side and I've got some of the fuel line left over.
Thanks guys! The "vacuum line" in question is stiffer than the regular 1/4" fuel hose. It got a little stretched when I installed my heavy duty rear springs because the engine pan sits lower now.
It will be fine. Mine has fuel line used too. It might be harder cause of the age of it and its dried out. I think it is just plain ole fuel line to begin with.
Thanks again Wass. I got my cart back down on all fours last night and went for a quick spin up and down the street. It gets up and goes fine and runs fine wide open. However, when I stop and go again or switch gears and go to start again it wants to sputter a bit and I gotta tap the choke a bit before it takes off again. Will this get better when the temps are warmer outside? Does it sound like I need to adjust my idle a bit richer? I can tell you that all air and fuel connections are tight and filters are good. Don't know how good the gas is, I bought the cart with a full tank.
Sounds like you need to adjust the carb. One screw is only to set the butterfly. You want to screw that out just far enough to close the carb when your foot is off the pedal. The other is your low idle mixture screw, this one you want to screw in all the way(not tight) and back it out 3/4 turn. That is where it seams to work best at.
Hey, he said it was a vacuum line, I took his word for it! What do I know? I'm a sparky guy! LOL!
What is a "pulse" if it is not a vacuum to pressure and back to vacuum? Once you move the diaphragm with a puff, you gotta suck it back.
Well, I pulled mine off and turned it over by hand and I felt air one way only. The engine must be vented one way.
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