Trails for Golf Carts


New Member
Hello all, I camp with about 12 other campers we all have golf carts. We camp every weekend and drive our golf carts around the campground. Now with the being said. If we all leave my camper we can make it around the campground in about 20 mins (2 beers) now a lot of time we just pull over on the side of the road and listen to music on the carts (6 beers). So we are out in the carts for about 1 hour to 1.5 hours a night. My question to all of you. Is there anywhere with trails we can take our carts rent a cabin or something and go out on a few hour ride. Maybe hook a trailer to the cart and have lunch midway of the day. Drink so beer and make a day out of it.
Yes come to Colorado, We have lots of trails , some longer than you might want to drive. As far a cabin rental i can hook you up for about 6 or 7 people. You will of course have to purchase a state tag for like a atv or utv . $10.00 fee good for 1 year. I can grab my unit and go with you. Best time would be Late June to end of August. Spring time is beautiful, late in the summer things tend to dry up but the trees and grass are still green.
Northern Michigan, lot of trails .. like hundreds of miles of them. Cabins, motels and camp grounds, your choice, like Zman said though you'll need an RV permit possibly two depending on where U ride. One is $10 n one is $16
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