Test & Tune


Well-Known Member
Went to the track Friday night... Deja vu... Frist run out of the trailer ......
Second run of the night....
something just ain't right here... Two sets of gears & two runs... That's two 300. bucks per run....

Both sets of gears are on their way back to Apache.. If any one will know whats going on it should be them... After 5 years of doing business & 6-sets of gears these guys shoot straight.....

Now at first thought that the bearing caps weren't torque down enough...

The threads in the casting are wore out... Between the cap bolts & the threads in the casting is giving way under a load and separating the cap from the casting allowing the two gears to float & strip... These were the opinions from the other racers.... Had one old black man come up to me telling me to trash the housing pointing out to me stress cracks in all the wrong places..

Now here I am taking advice from guys half my age.. That cant even beat a golf cart in the 1/8 mile with their dads hot rod.... But this old black man was wearing a brand new 14 x NHRA World Championship John Force ball cap.... But the cap wasnt brand new ...And thats what stuck out in my mind....That hat was 7 years old.... And worth more money than The Gornoman has in his 401k....

Now I was told today that I was to hard on the ones that wanted to keep their success in golf cart racing a secret.... Secret my ass....
hey ronnie the shaft that you press the gear on and off needs the O rings on the ends.... thet helps keeping the shaft from moving from end to end... i hope you just took them off for the pics...
Went to the track last night did some testing run 4 passes all of them were 8.7
at least they were consistent ............the carts fastest time is 8.6 ....Hope to get theme on Alcohol soon
should pick up some
Nice. Yes, you will pick up on alky. You try running it off the second bowl? Should be able to run gas on carb and alky on Thunder Jet at wot
full on alcohol takes patience to dial in, lots of plug readin etc. humidity and air temp equal jet er' carb changes as a rule in small engnes but worth the time in the end to some
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