Robby.. PlumQuick...


Well-Known Member
Robby the last question I asked you.... You told me I was a looser for asking.....That's cool,,,.... So I have a new question !!!! Now that General Electric no longer makes golf cart motors .. Which manufacture of motors will plum quick start selling now !!!!??? Well make it two questions ... Did plum quick not make their name off of dumb asses like me .. Plum Quick is a scam!!!? It started what about 5 -6 years ago ??? It's on your own forum !!! You showed the purple motor Turning 10 k.. But what you didn't show was the manufacturer of the motor.. Nor did you take the time to educate the public that a stock rafter can easily turn 10 -k right out of the box...Plum quick took advantage of every one that bought that motor based on the Rpm's in that video ...your advertisement is deceiving.... Five years later I can take a rebuilt GE Rafter Garagebuilt motor & turn the same RPM 's... Now does that mean I'm as good as plum quick as building race motors ....
maybe not but the truth is with my set up in the Texas cart 144- volts I'm only turning my motors just a tad over 8- 75-+ mph in the 1/8 mile are a very deceiving person ... Is that why you have been so silent sence the Garagebuilt Nationals & let gorno do all the talking for you ..
The trick is getting more than ½ a pass out of the motor before the cart ignites. You like to call everyone out on what you perceive to be their short comings. What you seem to always fail to recognize is that they are successfully doing what you are still trying to do.

Regardless of any of our alliances, we have seen successful 1/8th mile passes by KK, Wicked, PQ and a ton of gas carts. We’re all still waiting for you to field something that doesn’t spontaneously combust or simply fall apart on its way down the track.

So, get back in the shop Ronnie, STFU, and build something that can actually make a pass. So far the only thing that runs out of your camp, is your mouth!
Damn !!!!! Did I hit a nerve with you g/m...
oh yah ????? Is your cape tights getting a little sung these days ???????
i always liked that picture your runnin' in your signature there gorno, she's a classic! its really shows that your out there makin' it happen
Ronnie, I'm totally baffled by the fact you chose to post this junk here instead of the PQ forum.

Then again, no I'm not.

As for the picture, that was added in after the fact by the forum owner. That's how he rolls, never got past the sixth grade apparently.
I see someone is off his meds again..........

MERRY CHRISTMAS and please seek out some professional help.... I'm sure you can get beyond this condition.

Wish you the best and please take care of yourself............
the great thing about posting it here is that it will be aways be here to view not even you can say that about any other forum
If your goal is to be a clearing house for lies, slander, bad advice, and overall bull:censored:, this is the place to be.

Carry on.
could anyone truly trust anything this guy says, talks kinda like a car salesmen if ya ask me. just lyin' to make the sale
Just the other day some newbee at BGW was asking about bullet connecting rods for a V-twin. I told him not to trust that dip:censored: in Waldo as his stuff was made in China. He thanked me.
Well, first of all your Wrong again with your facts gorno. the rods i have MFG for me are for the EZ GO 4 cycle engines its not hard for any new or old member to see just who and how we do what we do. if somebody is lookin' for a gravy recipe i'll still send em' your way
The specific details don't matter, rest assured that the word is being spread that its not advisable to do business with you.

You want a war, ya got one. And its yer own fault. Couldn't just leave it be, eh?

Merry Christmas.
i'm just stating facts thats all, you like facts, yes?. you really think anybody is gonna care what boys say over there. come on now so now your declaring war are you? thats not the first time we all heard that one, you must get some kind of freaky kick outta gettin' your hat handed back to ya. ole plum quick can defend themselves i would think the truth about the work PQ performs is just being evaluated i don't see any problem/war about that
No Robby your the sick one to make people believe that your motors are special and that your the one that's tricks them out to turn 10k
I can take a 5500 r p m motor rebuild it & have it turn 10 k easy... But im not going to have guys think that my :censored: don't stink... You take credit for something that someone else built... I got your motors and been to five different builders.... It's a stock rafter with paint..... handle... & a few extra holes... Nothing more!!!! How hard can it be..... you want to get :censored:ty with's funny y'all always criticize my ability to read or write go after my mental state... And you can't answer one question straight up... What do y'all hide from...other than the truth.. You go after my credibility hoping others won't really see you for what you are..... Yah I'm sick .. Sick of you & gm arrogant bull :censored: ways...
a color and name to fit every pallet, racy and innovative. not just any cake decorator can pull that off
The assassin and a little something for the Ladies perhaps
The magician
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