Replaced Solenoids and Micro Switches On 1985 Club Car Golf Cart


New Member
I have a 1985 Club Car golf cart that I have replaced all the solenoids and the guide for the micro switches. I have all new battery cables. When I push the pedal it takes off smooth and will run good for a while then I have to take pressure of the pedal and push it back down I may have to do this several times before it comes back up to speed. I was told it could be the 3 resistors behind the solenoids? I lifted the cart and it seems like all the solenoids are clicking along with the micro switches. Also all of the batteries test good 36 volts.
At 36 volts thats 50% discharged so what you want to do is charge pack up and let the golf cart sit for several hours and than load test each battery it only takes one bad battery. Look at the resistor coils you want no touching anywhere and no breaks and where they bolt on good and clean but I would test the batteries first.
I have a 1985 club car I have replaced all the solenoids and the guide for the micro switches I have all new battery cables. When I push the pedal it pulls out smooth and will run good for awhile then I have to take pressure of the pedal and push it back down I may have to do this several times before it comes back up to speed. I was told it could be the 3 resistors behind the solenoids? I lifted the cart and it seems like all the solenoids are clicking along with the micro switches. Also all of the batteries test good 36 volt all batteries test good 37v plus. Also I put in the new resistors and he runs better but in still does the same thing as before slowing down whenever it wants then release the pedal and push done slowly and it will pick back up to speed
OK found the problem it was the last 2 solenoids I replaced them even though they seemed to test fine they were the only ones I did not repalce, it runs great now. Thanks for the help.
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