PSA: Precedent/Tempo SOC Meter Installation

Golf Cart Wizard

Cartaholic - V.I.P.
Based on the number of Club Cars come through my shop that have state of charge meters installed by haphazardly running wires all the way from the battery, 99% of the time without even a fuse, it seems most people are not aware these vehicles come pre wired for a SOC from the factory.

With the instrument panel removed, you can see two unused wires, red and black/yellow with .187" spade terminals pre installed. Red is meter positive supplied from 15 amp fuse in electronic compartment, and black/yellow is grounded to controller pin 3. If switched input is needed, you can tap key switch blue wire or connect to gray wire with bullet connector if unused.


On golf carts with factory USB, you can see it plugs into those wires and has additional spades in line to connect to your meter.

I have the factory USB. I measured the voltage to the additional spades and it’s roughly 5 volts. Will
a SOC meter work properly at that voltage?
Those wires are 48v, if you only have 5 there is a bad connection somewhere. The spade terminals, especially the ones that plug into the dash harness, often corrode and won’t pass voltage.
Those wires are 48v, if you only have 5 there is a bad connection somewhere. The spade terminals, especially the ones that plug into the dash harness, often corrode and won’t pass voltage.
Thank you. That makes more sense. Had me wondering because the USBs are rated as 5 volt so I thought they might have reduced the voltage.
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