them boys over on yellowbullet don't play nice if theres proof somebody is liein' about what there doin'. ole plum quick is in for another ride up on the rocks if there possie keeps f&^kin' around. its gonna take a few months of me bumpin' around there lettin' them know what i do and am into and then i'll lay out the tailgate of shame thread. once that happens then somebody will get up under that cart and get some pictures the next time there out there, i guarantee that. its the right of the track officials to look for any safety concerns and i do believe that a well crafted postcard sent to the right place just may get em' thinkin'.
if robby thinks the GC forums are brutal then he's in for a shock once somebody sets fire to him over there. theres more than a few fellas from here that are or know members from there
as i laid out in assness's PM, its all up to him, gorno, classycarts and rubby on how this all plays out.