Parts Availability


New Member
Today when I was reading this topic BU topic

i see Bob mentioned that my EZ-GO dealer will no longer be able to "provide" me (or anyone else with a robin 2 cycle engine powered ezgo) with parts. I was wondering if Bob would elaborate on this, is it really true. If it is I will NOT rant here I will leave that for my Dad
I'm not sure about that. Its my understanding that E-Z-GO dealers are starting to stock more 2 stroke parts because of the high demand for them. Bob should know though seeing how he works for a dealer.
Some parts are NLA, some can only be found online. Others can be replaced with newer versions with a little modifications.

For instance, I used a 1980-1986 i think top end rebuild kit to rebuild my 1PG engine as they are the same in that aspect. The VR can also be swapped out for a newer style for the external generator engines.

I get most of my parts from online stores. I have had no trouble thus far. My local EZGO dealer stocks nothing for these older carts, but can order a select few parts such as spark plugs, coils, and filters.
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