Par Car Golf Cart Repair Questions and Troubleshooting


New Member
Is there anybody out there that works and knows about electric Par Car golf carts model 96-c. If so I have some questions to ask about repairing and troubleshooting the golf cart. Please let me know.

Thanks Sid
I have a 96-c electric Par Car golf cart that has the power master system on it. I've download a service manaul and have been troubleshooting the golf cart. It won't do anything. Batteries are new had motor checked, sent in control its OK. This morning I got back to troubleshooting the system again. All tests point to a defective module. The module has a brown wire coming out of it to apply ground for the solenoid to engage, but there is no ground. I took a jumper wire from the negative side of the battery and hooked to the brown wire and the golf cart will run.
So my question is can I by pass the module to make it run? Will it harm anything?

If anybody has an idea please let me know.
I'm not real familiar with ParCar carts so hopefully someone else can give you some help.
Do you have a link to the service manual you downloaded?
Does the solenoid still open and close like it's supposed to when you press the throttle?
There's a wiring diagram and service manual for your golf cart in the resource section of the forum.
No when you turn the key toward forward the solenoids engage. That's not right solenoids should engage when pedal is pressed.
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