I looked at all kinds and talked to local shops. Only one that really interested me was the one sold by Club Car (for Club Car), all aluminum, but too expensive (I thought). Key to any of them is good radio, good speakers and a roof that does not shake/vibrate too much. Hope some others reply that have experience with them.
I have a over head console in my red EZGO. With the HD springs the CD player is useless even on paved road it skips. I do have a cheap radio in it so that could be a lot of my problem. I bought the complete kit a few years ago from BuggiesUnlimited. The overhead console is nice and has held up well. If you decide to get one I would recommend buying your own radio/CD player. Also the hidden antenna BU sells works well and doesn't cause any static while the cart is being driven like a lot of other antennas do.