A Andy4639 Member Mar 6, 2010 #21 I guess all you none racing bunch will just have to wait! Monday I will try and get the pictures up.
dirtysouth Cartaholic - V.I.P. Sponsor Mar 6, 2010 #23 Krazy Karts ran just under 93mph.!!! WOOT WOOT!!!
HotRodCarts Cartaholic Mar 7, 2010 #25 It sounds like you guys had a good time. Congrats to Krazy Karts for laying down the numbers
World's Fastest Golf Cart Member Mar 7, 2010 #27 What, no pictures or vids...........no ET and speeds.............someone going to post the results?
qwik Cartaholic - V.I.P. Mar 10, 2010 #35 WFGC wheres all the pictures and videos of your cart? It would be interesting to see and hear about the worlds fastest golf cart.
WFGC wheres all the pictures and videos of your cart? It would be interesting to see and hear about the worlds fastest golf cart.
World's Fastest Golf Cart Member Mar 10, 2010 #40 If you want to know, I'm sure you could find this on your own..............if not I'll let someone else send you to the place to view..............If not don't worry about the name......
If you want to know, I'm sure you could find this on your own..............if not I'll let someone else send you to the place to view..............If not don't worry about the name......