Next newest?


Cartaholic - R.I.P.
So, I am in the General area and there are two green lights. So, I read the top one. So, the top one is the newest, right? Then, I figure; "What the hell. And I go to the bottom and press "Next newest." And this is the message I get on my screen;

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

The error returned was:

There are no topics newer than this one

WTF? When I see Next newest, I am thinking; something not as new as, not something newer than the topic I am on. As DS would say, "yes?"
I think that means there are no new posts. I get that sometimes... Hey, I got it!!! Whoops, wrong thread, my bad.
I don't think I ever tried that feature. I'll take a look and see if it's working like it should.


I tried it and it works but you have to read the older message first. So like DS said you got that message because there was noting newer. I guess that needs to be re-worded.
That's bull tweet. Neither one of you guys got it nor do you get it. Not ever, not never.
I got it. Oh wait maybe I don't
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