Hi all. I'm new to this forum and was introduced by Rod who pointed me here by becoming my first member at my new Star Cars Yahoo! forum. I've linked this site from mine and he's given me permission to post a link to my Yahoo! forum here. Hopefully future members here looking for specific information on the lesser known Star Car Electric Golf Carts and NEVs will be able to search for this thread and find their way there.
I look forward to meeting some of you on this board as the time to get my Star Car approaches. We hope to recieve our 48v, 23mph, 6 seater red Star Car with flip rear-seat, lifted on knobby tires in the next couple of weeks for use at our lake house.
I look forward to meeting some of you on this board as the time to get my Star Car approaches. We hope to recieve our 48v, 23mph, 6 seater red Star Car with flip rear-seat, lifted on knobby tires in the next couple of weeks for use at our lake house.