Need Help Posting Pictures


1 - Try to resize your pictures to no bigger than 800x800 (Avatars 200x200)
2 - Use the add a file button to upload and attach in your post or you can create an album in the Media Gallery
1 - Upload the pictures to the host of your choice.
2 - Copy the URL of the picture(s) from the host site you uploaded to.
3 - On the post screen click the IMG button, a window will pop up.
4 - Paste the URL from the picture host into the window and click OK.
5 - You can post more pictures in the post by repeating the above for each picture

HRC, thanks for the help.what are some host sites where i would upload my picture? can i copy the picture directly off my computer to Cartaholics? just like i send one by email to family? also the url , do i just right click on the picture to get that info? When i click on IMG i get error says must enter url but don't see a window where to add same unless it is on this screen i am typing this message onto. thanks for explaining this to me, agtree
Use for hosting. It has a great interface that is very easy to learn. You don't need to resize beforehand, photobucket does it on the fly as you upload your pix.

You are getting the error message because you have popups blocked. When you click the IMG button a popup window appears so you can paste the URL in. If popups are blocked, no window appears.
well here goes , i upload pcts of golf cart w lights added to , enabled popups, copying url address from photobucket to IMG button above and we will see what happens.

error messages says: sorry, dynamic pages in the (IMG) tages are not allowed.
well, i must be a little stupid i've been trying for over an hour to get the pcts to work but between IMG and photobucket and not being able to view the pcts on the message board i am going to bed and try to relax as this computer stuff could drive a man to drink!! i'll worry about this tomorrow as Scarlet said in GWTW. any advice ? agtree
OK, here's the deal. When you use photobucket and hit the "IMG code" button it copies the URL with an IMG tag at the front and the back allready. In other words there is no reason to even hit the IMG buttons within your post because the IMG function is allready applied by photobucket.

If you don't get it I can help some more.
gornoman, great pictures!! i don't see how you did it but you pulled up my pictures!!! Yea!!!!! now if i could just do it.>>>>
when i try to click on IMG(had to delete stuff to allow post)

It automatically added the above stuff but i don't see any picture. I pasted the url in the window that came up when i clicked on IMG but it added it to this box. i must be doing something wrong or not right.
(deleted stuff to allow this post, got error message , not allowed to use that image extension on this board. a valid format is :" http: // "this came up when i clicked on IMG without pasting anything just clickig ok. will this pull up my pictures automatically??
thanks for trying to help me, how did you pull up my pictures when i couldn't. agtree
You almost had it. :D I went to the photobucket picture and copied the "direct link" of the picture. Then click the image button here and paste it into the box that pops up (don't worry about the text that's in the box it will remove itself when you paste the direct link) Let me know if you need anymore help.

Their was a extra http in your link. I guess you'll have to clear the pop up box before pasting the link to your pic. I think you've got it now. :thumbsup:

here goes , i cleared the pop up and pasted direct link off photobucket lets see if picture come up. thanks so much for being patient with me, a slow but dedicated learner. agtree

hey it worked!!!! thanks again

by the way the halogen lights haven't blow a fuse or burned my cart up since running a dedicated ground to - batt terminal and coming off + with heavy gauge wire with 10 amp fuse added before getting to switch. then going from switch to the black wire on 2 lights. made cupholder switch holder with wires coming thru drain hole in bottom of cupholder so wires remain hidden under dash. I wonder if a person could add a little fuse box if you wanted other 12 v accessories and if there is a picture and instructions on how to do that. light cigarette lighter for the adapter female plug which would power a handheld spot light. add a 12 v radio/cd player. etc. any thoughts or previous discussions going on about this?
Sure, ya get the pix to work and now you want to rewire the entire cart! LOL!

No problem! Yes, a fusebox (or rail) can be installed. Just remember that the main feed wire to that fusebox needs to be sized appropriately for ALL of the circuits in the box combined.
I go through all the process and all I get is the URL as a message-no picture. What is necessary to get the picture downloaded to the posting?
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