Need a 1983 EZGO 2 cycle wiring diagram


New Member
I just purchased a 1983 EZ GO 2 cycle golf cart.

It looks like previous owners have cobbled up the wiring to where now it doesn't charge, and there's always a drain on the battery (I get small sparks when I disconnect the battery, with the switch turned OFF).

Any idea where I might find a wiring diagram, and how I can verify that it"s REALLY a 1983??

I'd really appreciate any help.


EZGO Marathon models (1976 to 1993)
The serial number and manufacturer's number for these EZGO golf cart models can be found on a plate located under the glove box on the passenger's side of the vehicle. The serial number is either six or seven numbers and does not indicate the model year. The manufacturer's number does reflect the model year. This series will have one letter and three or four numbers which will include two numbers indicating the last two digits of the year it was manufactured.
EZGO Gas Golf Cart Wiring Diagram - 1981-1988
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