melex solenoid wiring


New Member
hi i have a older 36 volt electric melex i just bought but the silionod was disconected has all good batterys just need the wiring diagram part number on silonoid is 70-120224-5 its a older 3wheeler model not sure of year but if any one could help with a wiring color code page or info on where to search that would be great you can email me at [email protected] or ill check it out on here thanks, frank
thanks but was wondering if some one has color code or diagram showing what wires go to the silinold from the micro switch and what side the battery ones go to on the silnoid i bought a cart and the silinod was missing so im trying to find out where they hook up to there about 7wires that need to go to it 2big ones and 5smaller ones thanks for the help, frank
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