Keep having to reset OBC

Michael Bate

New Member
2019 Tempo 48v
New batteries, new speed control, new throttle rheostat thingy.
Every time I stop and sit for a few minutes without turning the key off, cart goes into limp mode/slow speed. I have to go thru the OBC reset ea time to bring it back, and it operates full speed until one of us forgets to turn off key when stopped for more than a minute. Any direction you could give me?
Thanks, Mike B
You do not have an OBC unless someone scratched off a “0” and wrote in a “1” before the 9 on the serial number. Sounds like solenoid is not disengaging when you come to a stop which would trigger limp mode
Ser # BN1919-969992
I had changed the solenoid about a yr ago. I will put a new one in, as I hadn't suspected it. Thank you. I'll update after I get one.
Solenoids get dirty from internal sparking and sometimes stick, even when under a yr old. Yes I'll ck as well as changing because I'll be down in there anyway. Thanks, and I'll update.
Solenoids get dirty from internal sparking and sometimes stick, even when under a yr old. Yes I'll ck as well as changing because I'll be down in there anyway. Thanks, and I'll update.
Yes, solenoids can go bad, pretty sure we all know that. A Tempo isn’t a series cart, the solenoid is not switching under load so arcing isn’t going to be happening under normal operation. The stock solenoid is also IP66 rated so dirt and water ingress should not be a problem. It is definitely not normal to go bad in under a year, I have a whole drawer full of perfectly good solenoids from 3-5 year old fleet carts that were upgraded to HD. That is why I asked where it came from, if you are getting cheap Amazon replacements then you are lucky if it works at all let alone makes it to it’s first birthday.
I agree totally. They still have the tendency of failure do to the nature of the beast. And I missed your asking of where I got the last one. It was on Amazon, like you warned.
Update: It WAS the solenoid. This time, and without seeing your question, I ordered direct from CC figuring original part would be best. Lesson learned and thank you for your great insight and advice Wizard. I guess as mostly always, you get what you pay for.
Again, thank you
Mike B
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