Is this worth it?


New Member
94cc with cd player, nice running 4 stroke new looking seats, back seat, the nose needs to be replaced, is it worth it for $1000?

Heres a pic.


is it worth it to trade myez-go 89' 2 stroke with mudbusters and lift kit?
It looks a little rough but it's probably worth it if their's no serious mechanical problems. I'd say $600-$800 would sound a lot better.
Its really not what I meant by trade it, I meant sell my cart on ebay, get around 1500 or alittle less and buy that and get a a arm lift kit and some tires with the 1500. so I am really not spending any more money than what I did on the 89'.

I just talked to a local dealer and they said It was a great deal, maybe theres a price difference since I live in NJ?
i,ll tell ya over here to.......thats the KF-82 engine which they quit making inh 89 and that engine wouldn,t fit in a 94 without a retrofit kit so someone isn,t being honest...................that cart looks like it went thur some hard times not sure if i,d part with a grand but if your gonna at least do a compression test on engine 1st and keep in mind its not a 94 at best its an 89 and could be older...................................
wouldn,t be a bad deal if it were in a lot better shape but with the age and looks i think you can do much better with your money........i can,t beleive they tried to sell it as a 94.......for your future reference any gas C.C. newer than 91 will have an oil filter under the carb on driver side...........................
so you know i messed up 91 was the last year for the KF-82 .......even so i still wouldn,t pay a grand for the cart.....................................
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