Iginition wiring 86 Club Car Gas


New Member
Im looking for a diagram to show where the wires hook up on the back of the iginition switch. I have seen the same basic diagram that is in the forum resource section but I need to know which wires goes to M+, M-, 1,2. The cart I got didnt have an ignition on it and i got one now but dont know which wire goes to which terminal.
Thanks for diagram again. Got wired up but when I turn key on the engine spins over without depression pedal. and green and black wire melts. whats wrong I disconnect everything and rewired the whole cart and it did it again. Please advise where to start.
the white wire comes from igition( ties in to white & black at M-)to microswitch for forward & reverse.the Green wire starts off orange from solianoid then goes to gas microswitch turn green then to forward & reverse microswitch . when you ingage forward and reverse microswitch is when wires melt. All microswitch are brand new got when i got iginition.
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