T timvie New Member May 7, 2007 #1 Tried bypass with no luck. Charger is tested and works but won't charge when plugged in?
Keyguy Overworked, underpaid :o) R.I.P. May 7, 2007 #2 timvie, Welcome! Have you checked the charger recepticle wires and/or the fuse near it? Jimmy B.
S shadowman New Member May 7, 2007 #3 if your talking aabout your OBC before you replace that take your charger and try it on another cart.......than get a volt meter and take a reading from each battery and post the readings.............................................
if your talking aabout your OBC before you replace that take your charger and try it on another cart.......than get a volt meter and take a reading from each battery and post the readings.............................................
Keyguy Overworked, underpaid :o) R.I.P. May 8, 2007 #4 Shadowman, Good point, I was assuming he was talking about jumping the relay in the charger. Jimmy B.
Shadowman, Good point, I was assuming he was talking about jumping the relay in the charger. Jimmy B.