I need a wiring diagram for my 1981 E-Z-GO Medalist golf cart. At lease that what I was told by golf cart shop they call my cart because it has a Medal body. The problem I have is someone has rewired the cart already, but something is wrong with way they wired it because when you put it in forward or reverse the cart start's to move if the brakes are not lock and if Brakes are lock the Resistor Board Assembly under the cart start to heat up and turn red. I first thought the key had been by pass because the dose not have to be on for the cart to run. but I found out by jacking up one rear tire, you can turn on the key and push the accelerator the Solenoid works and the reverse buzzer works some time when the cart is in reverse So with out seeing how the cart should be wired, its going to hard for me to see what wrong. that do you think?