Help with Installing Rear Heavy Duty Leaf Springs on a 1996 Club Car DS Gas


New Member
I have have watched videos showing that the lower shock mount where the U-bolts go through comes off after being unbolted. Mine seems to be part of the frame. My rear shocks have an eyelet on the bottom of the shocks, and the bolt for the shock is part of the the place that is part of the frame. My question is, since the new leaf springs are 3 layers thick (3 springs together) instead of a single layer. What is the best way to make room between the shock mounting plate and the axle. Do I need to remove the U-bolts and the shocks from both sides of the car and raise the rear end with a jack? Besides the cart being supported by jack stands, is there anywhere else that needs to be supported to safely do this? Will raising the axle with a floor jack to get the new leaf springs installed cause a problem with the drive belt? Will I also need to purchase shock extenders? Thanks in advance for your help!
Not sure if you still monitor this Tony, but I have the same cart and the same issues your having. All the videos show an easy install on electric carts and nothing on Gas carts. With the U-Bolt bracket welded to the frame, I can seem to get the axle mount and the bracket far enough apart to insert a new spring, let alone a 3 layer spring set. Just checking to see if you were able to ever work this out? As it stands, I've had to cut out the front hanger bolts, due to no space to hammer them out, and now I have both front and back loose (on one side), but even with jacking up the rear end, I'm not able to get the plates to separate enough to pull out the old spring. At this point, will take any help I can get. Thanks in advance for your advice.
Since I'm not sure if Tonyp11 is still on this forum, I'll open it up to the group. I have a 1996 Gas Club Car DS with a failed driver side sping. The cart has the rear seat attachment and looks like it was rear ended prior to me getting it. Needless to say that leaf spring is toast. I have a 3 layer HD spring set to replace both but am having issue getting the axle mount and UBolt plates (which is welded to the frame) to separate and the shackle bolt outs (see my previous post for further details). At this point, since I don't have a hoist, I'm considering taking the axle/hosings out of the gear box as a way to get the pieces apart to get the old leafs out. Seems way to complicated, plus having to drain the gear box, and getting new seals for the axle housings. There must be an easier way. The electric carts for this year appear to be a breeze, I'm hoping that there is an easier way for the gas version. I appreciate anyones help with this, thanks.
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