Help 2001 PDS won't run

GoGo David

New Member
This is my first cart (2001 PDS) I bought it after setting for two years and was told it just needed new batteries. I put new batteries and cables and nothing, any suggestions? I'm getting the voltage through the batteries and lights are working, is there a safety backup buzzer if so where is it located? I was told there are some safety things that may be unplugged?
There's a reverse warning buzzer behind the dash by the key and forward and reverse switch. Does the cart do anything when you try to run it? Does the solenoid click when you pus the go pedal?
First thing to check is the reed switch. There's a picture in the resource forum that shows how to bypass it. Just do a search for "reed and switch" without the quotes. One you check the reed switch you can put the cart in diagnostic mode to see if it gives any trouble codes. There's also a EZGO PDS troubleshooting guide in the ezgo resource forum here. Download that and go through the procedures. Let us know if you have any problems...
I found the problem ( the red wire coming from the charging outlet not connected) runs good now. Thanks for the advice. By the way, this is a great site!
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