Golf Cart Safety

howdy Fairlane,

re: photo of bent mail box along a road-- what is the safety mod reference? are you advising we take our trucks and push the mail boxes back to get more room to run for fun on the roads???


now about that "T Bar" protruding out from the passenger side dash board: is that a grab bar for the pax to hang on to? seems a big padded "bar" would be better for one's teeth or nose if one is jack knifed into the T BAR upon impact with some obstruction. sort of like a car with seat belts AND airbags. seat belts have been know to fail.

yup, dumb questions by a newbie. but i do appreciate your website.

Just a note for golf cart racers check with your local track owners .give them a call on saftey concerns . we went to Orlando Speed World last night got to the staging lanes to do some test runs and was told we couldn't race . the rules say any open cockpit cars must wear race jackets so we were going back to put the carts back in the trailer when the spectators gave OYJ and myself their coats off their backes so we could run
so to some up the story take your coat with you just in case

I have run my cart at many tracks and have never heard of such a thing
CFRC , Lakeland Dragway , albany raceway, Panamal Beach Raceway , South Georgia Motorsports Park , London Ky., and Orlando Speed World
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