EZGO Golf Cart Solenoid Troubleshooting


New Member
I have a EZGO golf cart Mfg. code CO887 Serial # 427694. I checked voltage at the solenoid and I have 27 volts.
Should this be 36 volts? In forward or reverse it just makes a clicking noise.
How should I proceed in troubleshooting this. I am very mechanically inclined. But I know nothing about golf carts. Someone gave this golf cart to my mother-in-law now I need to make it go.
any help would be appreciated. Also is there any type of maintiance I should do?
How do I go about checking this voltage?
My guess is I disconnect the batteries from the solenoid leave them tied together and read the voltage DC output.
The batteries are wired positive to negative through the series. I'm also guessing this is correct.
or should I separate the batteries and check each one?
Would there be a voltage drop if I have a bad battery?
There suppose to be new, But we all know how that is.
Thanks for your help
You don't have to unhook any cables. With a volt meter go from main+ to main-, should be over 36. Then check each batt. should be over 6 volts. If you like put it up on jackstands, run it and check each battery under load, or check each cell with a hydrometer.
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