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We have an EZ GO TXT. We just changed all batteries yesterday (6) and it still will not run.
Prior to us changing the batteries, it was losing power, the charge would not hold, it was not able to go up inclines, and in the end it began to shudder.

We reattached all the new batteries, but still no success. We plugged in the charger and it clicked on.
We turned on the key and pressed the pedal, but the cart will not go.

Any suggestions? : :
make sure all cables are tight...dont forget to check the solinoid cables as well as the controller. I would recomend disconnectiing the battery pack before you do this so you wont short anything. Also is the solinoid clicking???
Welcome to the forum.

What year is the cart? Which drive system is it PDS,DCS or series? Does the reverse buzzer work?
The solinoid does not click. Is there a test for that?
I have to look for the year on the cart. Would it be on the right hand side of the cart. Sorry, we do not have a manual and it was purchased second hand.
For the year look in the passenger glove box for the tag with the manufacturers code. If it's not there look under the seat behind the batteries on the drivers side frame rail. Also where is the forward and reverse switch located? And does it have a run/tow switch on the controller cover (under the seat on passenger side rear wheel well)?

Post the manufacturers code and the other info and we'll go from there...
No information on the passenger side "glove box". Found some information on passenger side behind batteries.

The information on the sticker goes as follows:
Serial: 2202604
Date Code: K1504

Made in Augusta Georgia.
There was some other information, but it is faded out and difficult to read.

The reverse/forward is located just below the seat (center)
The run/tow switch on the controller cover (under the seat on passenger side rear wheel well)?
Did the hose thing & herd the gergle, still looking for bad wire. Does anyone know where i can find a manual. Went to ezgo site, put in my numbers(79d19t69488) in & it came back as wrong.
I saw the picture of the run/tow switch. My model does not have a switch on the outside of the cover.

I also looked at the ignition switch and all wires were connected. I traced the wire to where it enters the run/tow and all wires were ok....no detached or loose wires.
Have you let the batteries charge until the charger shuts off? What is the total pack voltage? Does the cart do anything when you push the pedal?
There are 6 batteries (6 volts each=36). When tested, each battery is showing the correct voltage. The cart does nothing when the pedal is pressed.
I had the batteries on the charger for a few hours last evening and it only got to half way. I also heard what seems like gurgling from one of the batteries.
New batteries can take up to 16 hours to charge but you should have enough charge for the cart to move. Double check all your wiring. What is the total pack voltage?
Update: Cart still not working.

It is a 2004 EZ GO TXT, Coastal Edition
6 batteries x 6= 36 total voltage.
All 6 batteries are new. Placed on charger over a 5 hour period last night and it got up til "10" on charger. This morning plugged charger back in and it reads "20" on charger.
Checked the ignition, no problem
Checked solinoid, no problem
Followed all wires, no problems found
Checked for reset button on motor, no button found
Run/tow switch housing does not have an actual switch
Reverse/forward switch is located by right leg area, below seat.
Reverse buzzer works.

Any suggestions?
Maybe one of your battery cables is backwards? Like Negative instead of positive? Im new to this so thats about all i know
I keep checking the wiring for the batteries and it appears correct when compared with the diagram. Thank you for your input.

Any other suggestions?
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