Difference in battery cables?


New Member
I have read on here that you need to use welder cable when changing battery cables and not the automotive cable. I have both in my shop and can not see much diff between the two. The only thing that is different is that the welder cable has an extra layer of insulation. Both have the small wound copper wires. Copper wire is copper wire, correct? What is the difference between the two and does it matter if you use the automotive cable?


New Member
In general welding cable has smaller guage individual strands of copper which means the smaller wires have nore surface area than the same size cagle with the larger strands. Since the electron movement involven in current transmission move predominantly if not excusively on the surface the cable made of finer strands will carry higher amperage without heating and thus without wasting valuable power.



The higher the strand count the better. Automotive cables usually have thicker and less strands than welding cable. #4 welding cable will have approx 400 + strands.