Club Car Will not charge

Brick Man

New Member
I have 2 Club Cars and they are doing the same thing, both will not charge. I have reset the OBC on both, I have tried the chargers on different cars to no avail. I have cleaned the battery terminals and still nothing. I am charging with a battery charger and I can use them but they still will not charge. I have read that it takes like 36 volts to turn on the chargers but is that reading coming from the plug itself or across the batteries? I have just replaced all the batteries in both back in January so the only thing I can think of is the OBC, but on both.

Welcome to the forum.

If the total battery voltage is to low the chargers won't turn on. When you tried the chargers on a known working cart did the chargers turn on? What is the pack voltage at the chargers receptacle on the cart.
Have you tried charging the batteries individually to get the total voltage higher? 33 volts isn't enough to turn the carts charger on.
I have charged the batteries individually and the voltage is now 44 volts but it still will not charge. I took the battery charger apart and I am getting 44 volts DC on the bridge rectifier but I am not getting AC out. The question would be is 44 volts enough on the bridge rectifier?
if you tried the chargers on known good carts and they wouldn,t come on your problem is with the chargers not the carts.
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