Club Car Lights and Horn Don't Work


New Member
I have what I think is a 2004 Club Car 48 volt golf cart. I found a serial number of AA0401-357978 behind the light switch panel. I have not been able to find another number anywhere yet. Anyway, the lights and horn don't work. can't figure out the wiring to see if dc-dc converter is even working. Any body got info on where to find another serial number?
Two of the wiring harnesses that go into the dc-dc converter have factory wire id tags of 2006 and 2007, that is imposible if a 2004 cart.
Any help would be appreacited.
According to your serial number I believe your cart was made in 2004 and the 01 represents the first week of production. It could be the light kit was added later and the voltage reducer was added at that time.
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