Club Car Jerks When I Take Off Slow


New Member
I have a 94 Club Car that when I try to take off slow it jerks and jumps. If i start off half wide open or fully wide open it works good. Do i have a bad solenoid or maybe something else? I have cleaned all solenoids and battery terminals it does not do it in reverse just forward.
Also is there a main solenoid and a reverse solenoid? Does each solenoid have a certain speed like a transmission?
Im not a pro, But It sounds to me like you have a bad Coil... I would check the Coil for rust you may want to take off each coil and scrub them down with some steel wool and or light sandpaper to get any gook off. Other than that I would think your problem lies in the solenoid
When mine was jerking it was weak batteries. Might not be the same in your case but a voltage reading from each battery and also a reading of the full bank of batteries would be a good starting point.

Hey thanks for all the answers, I have found my problem.
It seems my accelator pedel is so easy to push that I noticed when it was jerking it was actually my foot jumping up and down on the accelerator. Once it started jerking it made my foot jump even more which caused it to jerk even more. I made my spring on the accelator stiffer which has cured the problem.
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