Club Car Golf Carts

We Haul

New Member
I own a 2000 ezgo electric golf cart now and I was thinking of buying a second cart. A lot of people I no have Club Cars and I'm thinking about buying one for myself. Are their different models of Club Cars? Is their anything I should stay away from? I've heard about Club Car computers being a problem, is this true? I really like my ezgo but I would like opinions on the Club Cars before I decide what to buy.
Look for a 48 volt Club Car, 2001 and newer. If you buy a 2002 you can get the controller flashed to run 20mph. The most important thing to check for is the age of the batteries. Look for a cart that the batteries have been replaced a few years back.
...I would stay with the DS or series cart...get a controller cart...not resistors...their upgrades tend to be less expensive than the IQ's...
I do custom wiring so the Club Car I was instructed to stay away from was the one with the Fuji diff, 1981 to 1985 I believe but the pros can set me straight on the dates. I was told the Fuji diffs had problems staying together under stock conditions so this was definitely not the year for me.

For me everything from 1975 to present excluding the listed years has worked but I don't have one factory wired cart on my place.
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