Club Car Golf Cart Won't Run at Full Throttle Without Choke


New Member
I Have a 99 Club Car gas golf cart that won't run at full throttle without the choke on a little. So, I changed the fuel filter, checked the air filter. Now it doesn't want to pick up the fuel.... Bad Fuel pump? Or something else?
Thanks In advance!
Make sure that air box is sealed tight. About the only way to do so is to unbolt it from the cart. You may think it is but 1/2 the time its not. It will cause the cart to stumble at full throttle. Also change your fuel filters. If you ever ran your cart out of gas, it picks up all the dirt in the tank and will partially plug up the filter or completely plug it.

I need to clean my carb and change the fuel filters on mine before next weekend so I know it is running its best for the Bonanza.

Cleaning the carburetor is not that hard. Tear it completely down and when you clean it, use compressed air and carb cleaner making sure there is no dirt left in the bowl. Use something like a needle to clean the jets. (the small holes on the side of the tube that goes straight up in the carb. Also pay close attention the the needle seat. Make sure not a spec of dirt is around it. When re-assembling, turn the low idle adjustment screw all the way in, then back off 3/4 turn. Just take your time, Its not all that hard. The first time I did it, I had Terry from BU on the phone with me and he was nice enough to walk me through every step.
Thanks guys, I'll yank that critter off there this week, that has to be it I've also got fuel in the crankcase,,, dang it! I may see if I can get a carb kit, just do it right! :hattip:
I changed a fuel filter this weekend then afterward it didn't want to pick up fuel. I had to siphon some (suck start) into it to get it started. It was fine then. Yes, fuel in crank case means dirt in carb. Its holding the float open on you. Rarely will it be the fuel pump. But you can check that by taking off the vent line and checking for gas there. I had a cart surging too and after cleaning it and re-adjusting the carb, all was good. Only charged him $10. It took less than a 1/2 hour. I usually charge $20 an hour cash. Its just a hobby for me.
Hope it fixes your problem.
Sometimes the pin that holds the float in will work out and the float will cock in the bowl thus filling the crankcase up with gas so look for that also.
Well cleaned the carb.... put a bit of pressure on the fuel system to prime it,,,,, now she won't fire.... what do you guys think? I drained the crankcase and refilled it, hooked everything back the way it was. :dazed:
Here's a Update,
She has Fuel to the carb, spark and good compression, 120 lbs and 160 lbs on a second try. What the heck am I missing? :unsure:
Possible valve adjustment is needed. 2 different compression numbers point to a sticky valve or you did not hold the throttle wide open when checking. Is the air box sealed right? Having to choke it is a sign of too lean getting too much air. How blue is the spark? It should be a hard blue SNAP.
Well it seems that a piece of "goo" worked itself from inside the new fuel filter and lodged it self in the carb jet! go figure!!! replaced it again!!!

Jerry you were right I didn't have the throttle all the way down for the compression check! Thanks man!

It runs great now, all is good in my pathetic little world! :thumbsup:
Jerry, if its only a hobby whats this 20 bucks an hour crap? :rotflmao: only kidding ya bud, i had one of them had to suck some fuel back into the system after changing the fuel filter. Sure wish he would have told me he added some kind of crappy aditive to the fuel i can still taste it. :yuck:
The $20 an hour goes to the wife as bribe money to let me work on them. I used to get paid with Beer but since I don't drink hardly anymore, she gets it. We both win. I still get to work on them and she gets to spend the money I earn. I do keep some out that goes into a "project envelope"

Gas alone leaves a bad taste in your mouth for days sometimes. I remember once that I was still burping it up after 3 days. Had a buddy thinking I could shoot flames out my mouth. He seriously wanted me to try lighting them. I said NO.
Its funny my wife bitches up a storm when i work on carts while shes there but has no problem saying honey can you give me 50 bucks i want to go to the flea market. I say where am i supposed to get the money and her reply i have been sitting here watching you put money in your pocket from customers paying you so don,t tell me you don,t have it. Kinda why i like going myself but in the end whats mine is hers and whats hers is hers so it seems fair enough. Well today is her birthday so rthis will be a very costly weekend I'll have to raise my prices. lol No I can't wait she dosn,t get to come to came often as shes always working and she really enjoys it so i told her i would stay home till tonight when shes done and take her with me and than take her to dinner and no working on carts for me this weekend.
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