Cartaholics Monthly Stats


I was looking through the site stats and here is what we've had in the last 30 days since the change over. I'm VERY happy about these and I know it will only get better as time goes on.

Stats for last 30 days: Feb. 2007:
79 - New Members
151 - New Topics
944 - New Posts
6361 - Topic Views

Thanks to everyone who has been using Cartaholics....
Thank you and Key Guy and any behind the scenes help you have had, in creating a valueable site! Also thanks for the resourse info you have spent so much time working on! It is all important for the future of this site. There are some good people here. I am proud to tell people that I am a member of this site! Good job!
Stats for the last 30 days: March 2007:
57 - New Members
83- New Topics
839 - New Posts
5509 - Topics Viewed
0 - Spam

Down a little from last month but still looking good. A big thanks goes out to all members...
Stats for the last 30 days: April 2007:
94 - New Members
101 - New Topics
637 - New Posts
5026 - Topic Views
0 - Spammers
Cartdude, I think I sense a little anger and malice in your last post.
We shouldnt act like that, we should give everyone the same consideration...


Rod, I like the updates. I think they are a good idea. It lets us guys that have been around awhile, see what progress "our"(and I say "our" repectfully) site has made.
I'm extremely active in a Prius forum and have been since it's inception in mid/late 2003. That site now has well over 20k members and is extremely active and widely recognized as the goto site about the Prius.

I have to say that it started much as this site has. Dedicated enthusiasts, well moderated to keep the piss poor attitudes in check and lots of friendly off-topic banter...if all you ever eat is your favorite food you'll soon tire of it... The variety and off-topic stuff will keep folks coming back as long as the on-topic content is solid...which is certainly seems to be.

While golf-carts certainly don't hold the intrique of a revolutionary car like the Prius, it's clear that there is a pretty large faction of enthusiasts out there. And I'm yet to find a single 'great' independent forum out there. I find the Buggies Unlimited to be pretty decent with lots of good tech support from the company, but I' always a bit tentative about those corporate sponsored sites.

HRC has been extremely cordial in letting me post my star cars forum stuff here and that kind of open mindedness is a great way to attract folks as well.

What I'm saying is I like this forum and see a bright future for it. It's the first cart forum, after my own, that I check when I get online.
I might be out of the golf cart "business" (I don't own a cart) but I still enjoy stopping by your forum HRC. I also enjoy reading the forum stats.

Continued success to you Sir!
Thanks guys!!! I've been pretty busy the last couple weeks and haven't been keeping up with the posts like I normally do. The site seems to be holding its own. We're averaging 3-4 new members per day and the post counts seem to be increasing. Overall I'm very happy with this place and look forward to seeing it grow.
One of the reasons I post the monthly stats is for all the nay sayers who tried many things to shut this site down. I still don't understand their reason for the childish actions but I don't worry about it anymore. Cartaholics may not be the busiest golf cart forum on the web but it sure does have a story of its own LOL....
A BIG thanks goes out to all members for keeping this place alive and well
Stats for the last 30 days: May 2007:

94 - New Members
63 - New Topics
443 - New Posts
2268 - Topic Views
0 - Spammers

We have 500+ registered members now. I'm very happy to see the site growing fast. Thanks to everyone for using this place.........
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