Carb Adjustment

Short Circuit

New Member
I am not getting a response over there so I will ask over here. Does anyone know how far the mixture screw should be turned out on a Suzuki 8 1/2 horse engine?
The engine is running rich now and I know I could just turn it in a little at a time but I was just wondering if anyone knew the adjustment offhand.

I would say about 1¼ to 1½ turns out from fully closed. I would count the turns in now so you can always get it back to where you started.
With the old muffler it would smoke blue when started up and it doesn't do it now with the new one. I also noticed that with the new muffler the cart starts easier.
I've never modified a golf cart exhaust but on cars and motorcycles usually when you go to a more free flowing exhaust the engine will run lean and bigger jets are needed. I'd look at the spark plug(s) and see what they look like after running it hard.
HRC, the screw was out 6 1/2 turns !!
I turned it back to 1 1/2 turns and ran it in the garage(with the doors open of course!) and will test it out tomorrow on the road.
In this cold weather it would start without the choke when it was out 6 1/2 turns.
I also weighed the old muffler and it weighs 14lbs.
I wonder if running it that rich for all these years plugged the muffler up.
Yes it may have been plugged up with carbon. 14 1/2 pounds lol... Sounds like there something in there that shouldn't be. I would just keep adjusting the mixture screw until you find the sweet spot.
I"ll fool around with it tomorrow as long as its not too cold

Thanks for your help HRC

I had the cart out today playing with the carb. I got the screw turned out 1 1/2 turns and it seems to run pretty good.
The engine needed to be choked to start and I had to sit for a bit with the choke on before I could drive it.
I had Dad driving beside me going down the road and I got going 22 mph.
I Need More Speed !!!!!!

Oh yea, it was still to cold out to be driving the cart down the road

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