you just wire 5 pin CDI box and use diodes to wire the one pulsar lead to the 2 pulsar leads off of the carts cdi wiring
I use the cheap ebay 5 pin box about 16 dollars with the wiring plug the box I uses has these wires on plug Black/white , blue/red, Blue/white, Brown/yellow, Green
On these cdi box it is as wired :
Blue/white ... pulsar coils
Brown/ yellow...spark coil
Green ....ground
Blue/red .......source coil
These are wired to your cart as follows this is from cart wiring to new 5 pin cdi box :
Black/ white to black/white
Brown to Blue /red
White/red thru diode to Blue /white
White/green thru diode to Blue /white
orange to Brown /yellow
Black to green and ground wires
use 2 in4004 diodes with stripe toward new cdi box use a diode on each wire, ( white/red, white/green) before it merges to the one
blue/ white of cdi box