braking problem


New Member
Just purchased a 06 club car with 4" lift with larger tires. Brakes will kick back when applied going forward. They will stop smoothly in reverse, but will kick back hard enough to twist your ankle when stopping forward. I am taking it to be looked at Monday, but want to get some opinions on what it may be. Maybe a brake adjustment or a warped drum?? Thanks for any help.
IF YOU PURCHASED IT FROM A DEALER RETURN IT AS THIS IS A UNSAFE CONDITION. If from a induvidual take it back as you have some rights to have a safe operating condition.
Normal operation is for the brake pedal to jump back from park position when first hitting pedal to move in any direction. Are you saying that when you start moving forward the pedal jumps back to released position or After you are moving forward it kicks back when you apply brakes?
If it jumps back when in forward motion and you apply brakes it could be the lining is broken loose from brake shoe and locking pedal backward. If its pulsing up and down like a out of round drum and or loose wheel lugs.
Let us know what you find when going to get it fixed, so we can all learn.
It's probably caused by the brake cables being to short after the lift was installed or the u-bolts are loose on the rear springs/rearend. If the brake cables are still in the hangers under the batteries try taking them out of the hangers and see if the problem goes away. If it does the cables are to short.
Thanks for the replies. I am taking it in today to the place that rebuilt it and put the lift kit and such on it. Will respond late today or tomorrow on what the problem is.
Previous owner had tried to raise up the back with an extra block. It caused the brake lines to be too short and caused the feedback. These were removed and the the cart still looks good and the brakes work.
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