Battery Water Fill Bottle


New Member
I am having trouble with this 1/8" water level. Is there a battery water fill bottle I can purchase that would simplify the operation of filling the batteries to proper level.
Any auto parts store will have a fill bottle for batteries. They look like some kind of tea pot, they do take the guess work out of it.
Does the brand of the batteries matter in what filler can you buy? I have US 2200s. I don't understand how the can is engineered; maybe it compensates for battery differences?? Or are all batteries (Trojan, US 2200, Exide, whatever) the same depth from the top....

I have had one for years. I know mine worked with Trojan, Exide and Sears Brand, so I "assume" there is a standard...

I had a tough time finding one checking different stores. I found it at NAPA.

It does take a little guess work out of filling them and makes it easier and less time consuming... :thumbsup:
Buggies Unlimited sells them also, about 10 dollars. I bought mine at tractor supply about the same price.
There are 5 sparkies in our "group" up at the campground, we all pitched in and bought one from Buggies Unlimited. It gets pushed back and forth by who ever needs it. Gosh, we're cheap!
Sorry to keep this going, but does the BU can ($9.99 + shipping) "measure" the 1/8" from the flange of the cap? If not I guess I will keep using the turkey baster. :)
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