Bad Boy Buggy Recoil IS No Click When Key is Turned On


New Member
I have a 2016 Bad Boy Buggy Recoil IS and when you turn the key on there is no click noise and the charge indicator doesn’t move but the amber light comes on. All the batteries are brand new and have been tested individually 8+ volts. There is 72v at the solenoid, the fuse block and across all the batteries. The run/service switch tests fine as well. I’ve cleaned all connections and haven’t found any corrosion. Basically I’m lost at the moment on what to do. The controllers are both flashing 1-7 and 2-2. Any help would be appreciated!
In a Dual Motor System like the Bad Boy Buggie, a PDO (CODE 72 not 1-7 and 2-2)) Timeout error will happen if the controllers do not handshake (talk) to each other within a specific time during power-up. This code could be caused by one of the two units having an internal CAN communication chip issue.
This code could be caused by a broken wire Can HI and CAN LO is wired between the two controllers. Pins 23 & 35.
This code could be caused by one of the two units is not getting powered up. Pin 1 is key switch input. Since both units are showing flash codes, I do not believe this is your issue.
This code could be caused by the jumper missing in the harness or it is bad. Pin 19 is jumpered to B+ on the Master. If jumper open, both units would spit out a PDO Timeout because no control is being the master.

Question is could the mode switch or the forward/reverse switch cause this too? According to the wire diagram the dark green wire runs to pin 19 and the B+ on the master and the switches are on that circuit as well. Can there be voltage at the switch but the ohms be bad?
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