Bad Boy Buggie Will Not Go In Forward or Reverse


New Member
So I bought a Bad Boy Buggie. It has power to winch but will not go forward or in reverse. None of the lights work. It has a green light flashing four times. Please be kind I am new to these and a lady trying to fix her own Buggie for deer season.
I am not an electric guy; but to start with - what will help them help you, is if you post a picture of the tops of your batteries.
You need to use a digital multi meter and put the leads on the main positive and negative posts on the batteries. The battery charger wires should be connected to those 2 post if you're not sure. You can also use the meter to check voltage on individual batteries by putting the leads on each battery one at a time.
Ok so I have found out I need to go buy a multi meter to find out and will let y’all know thank y’all so much. The solenoids are not making any noise at all so thinking it might be something to do with that as well
Ok so volts are at 51 not 48 and all battery cables have been replaced in same order taken one off at a time to replace all fuses have been replaced as well. I still have a 3 flash on one side and a 4 flash on the other.
Don't take them out , they look like millipaks. check them for flashing lights with key on and gas pedal depressed.
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