92 converted or not


New Member
Hi, I just picked up 3 1992 club cars for a gent who is thinking of fixing them up to rent them out. they all have a controller in them and i did not see a wiring diagram in the resource center for them . I may have overlooked it . as it may be from 89 to 98 or something they all have one selonoid and look to be complete as far as switches etc..these came from a trailer factory that went belly up ,so they may have been upgraded? to controllers? it looks like all i would have to do is put batteries in and go but . I am not sure about the wiring as i can not find the diagram. and do not know which ones go to pos. or neg. as some cables and wiring have been replaced with different color wires and some wires may or may not be there as needed. any help would be great as this is outa my realm of the older carts i work on. thanks for your help and suggestions. o.c.f.
if you can,t find the wiring diagram here someone should have it and be able to post it for you.......it should be here somewhere..........................
It sounds as though you have carts with Series motors ( fwd/rev control is by lever not rocker switch) if so check the microswitches attached to the fwd/rev unit. there are 3. the outer one will have either 2 contacts or 3. If its 2 then the wiring is for a 1992-1994 cart and the speed controller is black. If its got 3 wires its 1995-2005 and the speed controller is silver.
hi' thanks for the input. i found a diagram hooked up batteries to 2 carts one runs moves and almost stops the brake cables are hanging up really bad.the other runs o.k. forward wont pull itself up a small incline in reverse and has very little brake. the 3rd cart had some bad switches and solenoid bought replacements not yet installed the only cart that stops decent and it is not running go figure. on the one with bad cables i found it had been wrecked frame is bent and cracked as i put my foot down hard on accelerator it stops as the frame moves not worth fixing this one but i have an 1985 c/c with bad solenoids .can i upgrade to the controller without changing over the v-glide or motor? or do i have to change it all. the gent that owns these want them to mechanically sound for rental so year or looks dont matter. i dont want to sell him on the 85 idea until i can be sure it will work.and i want to be sure it is safe. thanks again for the input . i am getting better at the newer models even if newer is 11 years old . later o.c.f.
Thanks shadowman, the less i have to change the better. any idea on why the one cart wont pull itself up a hill backwards but no problems forward? I was thinking of swapping out the celenoid to see if that had an effect on anything. I talked to a guy at a cart shop and the first thing he said change the controller out. i thought i would go a little less drastic and start small. thanks again. o.c.f.
the cart only has 18 volts in reverse its 1/2 speed that could be why.........if your sure all batteries and cables are good clean and tight i,m not sure what else you can do without dropping some chi ching in it..............................
hi' thanks for the input. i did not realize that reverse was 1/2 speed that that explains alot. I put the batteries in another one of the three used new cables reverse was slower than forward but it pulled the grade forward was slower than the other cart i will double check the batteries as i may have a bad one.. i had the batteries in one of my cushmans FnR are the same speed on the cart. so i dont think i would notice it to much if one was going bad. thanks again. o.c.f.
hi' I thought i would update on the progress. I still have two outa three running. no problems with the batteries. except the gent rented the cart for a weekend got it back on monday and sold it with my batteries in it.
so i have 2 carts until i get a set of used batteries or cash to replace mine.
I bought 3--12 volts to check out my carts with. I am having a problem with brakes on 1 cart adjusted them shoes look good cables are good the large brake shoe is on the rear small in front.is that correct? before the shoes would not touch after adjustment the shoes touch. they do work did I mention the tires are solid and weigh about 65 lbs. would that cause the cart to slow but not stop? I cannot get them to lock up when i STAND on the brake peddle. but it will slow down better than it did before. I have not worked on them since . as i have my carts to work on. and the gent has not came back to settle with me.
thanks for all the help and input. O.C.F.
O.K. I had to see what was up with the 3rd cart put all new micro switches in. 3 on FnR snd one on v-glide new celenoid new resistors not sure how small resistor go'es on put the end with the single stripe with stripe to the front of cart .cleaned connections put batteries in turned key put in reverse. buzzer went off celenoid clicked cart did not move,, put in forward celenoid click cart did not move . I put my hand on the controller and went to check connections the yellow cable from the celenoid gave me a little zing.. Hand was prettty sweaty hope that is all it was and not a short in the controller, decided to finish this mess and be done with it .. any ideas on the no-go? or how do i check out the controller put it on the other cart? and hope i dont fry somethng on that one? thanks for any and all help on this . just a thought on the microswitches I have the 3 blade one and i am using the top blade and the top one on the side on all 4 switches is this correct ? thanks again later o.c.f.
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