80 ezgo, with no reverse


New Member
I rewired the cart, replaced batteries, new solenoid, new acc micro switch, 4ga wires, cleaned resistors. will drive in forward, but does nothing in reverse. I have 2 micro switches on the F/R switch, but only wired the one on the passenger side. I was told that the one on the drivers side was only for the buzzer. What else can it be. Thanks
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Does the solenoid click when you try it in reverse? It's been a long time since I've worked on a 1980 cart but I believe the reverse micro on the forward and reverse switch does more than operate the reverse buzzer. Do you have a wiring diagram? If not I'll see if I have one here.
no, I don't have a diagram for the micro's. I'm having to use several to get the wires right. I do have a 1980 diagram for the big wires. By looking at the diagram, a jumper is ran to the common, then to the on/off switch. The other terminal runs to the buzzer, then to the Normally open terminal on the Acc. micro switch. And no, there is no click at the solenoid when in reverse.
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