36 volt motor


Will a 36 volt motor work on my 48 volt regen cart? I put it on and the cart wanted to go at first, then nothing. I don't hear the solenoid click anymore.
Did I make a booboo?
Hmmm I just put in a new solenoid and it still won't go. I checked and everything is wired right.
Controller? OBC again? Please be something simple and quick, I want to go ride!
Well Ace what was it? I would think putting a 36 series motor on a regen system it just wouldn't run. Those electronic parts aren't cheap.
Geeze this cart is kicking my @$$.
BUT I'm getting a solenoid click now!!! Thats something I haven't heard in days!!!

Please dear God fix this for me and I promise I will never put a 36 volt resistor motor on a 48 volt regen cart again.
kiss your ass good by. You know you fricked up. buy some parts. Dam i would hate to do that.
Hi HRC, real weird now there's 50.7 volts at the solenoid all the time its in the tow position, switch to run and it goes to 49.6. There's always voltage whether the key/pedal is off or not. This just started when I got back in town today.

Is there a way to check the controller?
Hmmm, Thats strange. I'm not sure on testing the controller. I always swap them out for a known good one if the problem seems like a controller.
there is a way to test the controller but its so detailed you need the service manual to do it........did you try and disconnect the reagan braking to see if that makes a difference? i have a feeling you smoked the controller but i,m not 100% certain.....................................
Tried disconnecting the regen but it didn't make any difference. I've accepted the fact the controller is toast. Plan on changing over to series and run the 36 volt motor.

Is there anything that can be done with these controllers such as a rebuild? I have 2 broken ones and would hate to toss them if rebuilding is a cost effective option.
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