2010 Club Car Precedent 48v Doesn't Run


New Member
I bought a 2010 48v Precedent that was not running for my elderly parents to use around the home. The goal was to make some small repairs to it and get it running. Atleast the seller said the repairs were small. I’m finding that wasn’t likely true.

Anyway, I’ve messed with one golf cart I had a few years ago but my knowledge is limited. Golf cart doesn’t run and here is what I have….

1. Batteries are 2020 Trojans and good voltage 50.6 on the pack.
2. Motor is D & D with manufacture date of 09/21.
3. Tow switch has continuity when turned on. When hooked up 48v on pink wire in tow mode. 48v on green wire when in run mode.
4. Not sure if normal but solenoid has 48v on both terminals and on both spades when in run mode. That’s without pressing the pedal of anything. Press the pedal and no clicking from solenoid.
5. Key switch checks out with voltage meter.
6. For the motor, I’m getting 48v on both large posts. Nothing on the small posts. I assume the pedal has to be pressed for that? It’s just me, so I can’t press the pedal and be at the back to check voltage on small posts at the same time.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to proceed? Should the solenoid have 48v on both posts and both spades when cart is just sitting there? I swapped out solenoids and it’s the same on both solenoids. Any info or advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Thank!!
4. 48V on both large terminals is normal. Actually the one connected to the controller should be about 0.5V less than the other due to voltage drop across pre-charge resistor.

6. Some wires with alligator clips will solve that problem

Someone here has a troubleshooting guide for your controller. Maybe he will respond.
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