2001 Club Car DS Does Nothing

Bobby Majors

New Member
Trying to rebuild a 2001 Club Car DS 48 volt, new batterys, Forward and reverse switch, the controller was burns and bad, had to replace the controller and the solenoid. Replaced the wiring harness because the green wire from ignition switch was burnt. When I tested the cart the solenoid clicks but the cart does nothing. Tested with the key on and one lead of tester on the main positive and the other on the large post of the solenoid positive 49 volts. Then tested the other side of solenoid same way it read 48 volts, this should not have power to both sides of the solenoid. What am I missing. I tested the small lead og the solenoid and had 49 volts. Could this new solenoid be bad. ? O I FORGOT THAT THE MOTOR WAS REBUILT NEW BRUSHES AND tested with a 12 volt battery in the cart. ran fine. NEED HELP ?
There should be a "pre-charge" resistor across the main connections on the solenoid. This will cause you to see voltage on both sides of the solenoid with the negative lead on pack negative. If I am reading your post correctly, you are seeing pack voltage when testing between pack positive and the solenoid terminals. If that is correct, you do not have a good connection from pack positive to the solenoid.
I meant with tester lead on MAIN NEGATIVE of the battery pack and the other on the large post of the solenoid with the key on I should have power to only one side of the solenoid but I have power on both sides.
That makes better sense. The pre-charge resistor will make it show voltage on both sides but will not pass enough current to allow it to run without the solenoid contacts closed. This sounds normal to me. I would suspect a wiring issue or your speed input to the controller isnt working.
That makes better sense. The pre-charge resistor will make it show voltage on both sides but will not pass enough current to allow it to run without the solenoid contacts closed. This sounds normal to me. I would suspect a wiring issue or your speed input to the controller isnt working.
I thought of something else today. Did you check the voltage on the load side (controller side) of the solenoid with the pedal pressed? If you have a bad connection, you could be reading voltage on both sides of the solenoid with the key on, but when the controller tries to energize the motor, the voltage will drop to zero. Checking backwards in the circuit to where you see voltage will tell you where the bad connection is. I see you replaced the solenoid, but it could be a bad one possibly, or you just have a bad cable connector.
I have checked the Mcor by bypassing it is ok, I checked the motor post with a probe light 48 volt and found all 4 post are showing battery pack voltage with the key switch off and the forward and reverse switch in neutral So I checked the forward and reverse switch found no problem. The cart will run in forward position but not in reverse. Could the motor be bad causing it to have power on all 4 post at the same time. .
I honestly don't know what you should see at the motor terminals with the key off. Logically you would think zero, but the pre-charge resistor is always providing a positive 48V to the controller. Without a negative reference at the motor, you could see 48V on all leads. Have you checked your forward reverse switch?
I will say doing static checks as opposed to energized checks can be confusing with electronics. Always best to put the rear on jack stands and test voltages with everything in the correct position for the motor to energize.
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