Bobby Majors
New Member
Trying to rebuild a 2001 Club Car DS 48 volt, new batterys, Forward and reverse switch, the controller was burns and bad, had to replace the controller and the solenoid. Replaced the wiring harness because the green wire from ignition switch was burnt. When I tested the cart the solenoid clicks but the cart does nothing. Tested with the key on and one lead of tester on the main positive and the other on the large post of the solenoid positive 49 volts. Then tested the other side of solenoid same way it read 48 volts, this should not have power to both sides of the solenoid. What am I missing. I tested the small lead og the solenoid and had 49 volts. Could this new solenoid be bad. ? O I FORGOT THAT THE MOTOR WAS REBUILT NEW BRUSHES AND tested with a 12 volt battery in the cart. ran fine. NEED HELP ?