1992 EZGO Sitting 2 Years Won't Run


New Member
Okay, I posted on another forum and didn't get a lot of advice. Pretty simple. I have a gas 1992 EZGO that used to run but has been sitting about 2 years after dying one day. Now I'm trying to get it started but it won't run. I need it for my farm but don't want to put a lot of money in it. It is rough but okay. I get nothing when I turn the key except a click. I have put in a new battery, spark plug, and solenoid. The wiring looks intact. When I activate it, I hear a click but nothing more and no beep when I put in reverse. I have a manual for it. Any advice as to where to start. I can't really afford to send it away to be fixed but may have to if I can't get some assistance. I don't know anybody to work on it for me. Thanks for listening and any advice.

Sort'a sounds like a ground problem. Check it where it meets the frame and make sure its clean there, and make sure the engine has a good ground as well.
Good advice from Hatch. A lot of these guys talk about meters for checking the electrical. I think they suck for tracing down wiring. Just too much to hold and have to look at. I use a test probe. Looks like an ice pick with a light in the clear handle. Clip the one end to a good ground and start to trace the wiring. I have not worked on an ezgo newer than an 86 but some things may be the same. There are a bunch of micro switches that all need to be energized for the cart to run. There should be one that is activated when you step on the gas. Look for a black box that the throttle linkage goes through. There are two behind the forward reverse switch. At least there is on a Two cycle. Maybe not on yours. But take your probe and start looking for hot all along your wires. If you find a micro switch bad, WD40 may clean it out.
Will your starter turn over by hand? Take some jumper cables or some wire and go from the battery directly to the starter to check it. Go from hot to hot and ground to ground to take the carts wiring out of the mix.

Edit: I see now that you are in the 2 stroke thread so you must have a 2 stroke. The micro switches behind the f/w handle sometimes get bent and have to be bent back into shape. The forward micro switch is on the right side and the reverse on is on the left. Just opposite to where the handle is.
When you bought a solenoid, did you get a constant use one. If not, it may go out on you after some use.
Well, thanks to you both for helping. It may be a couple of days until I get back to look at it, but I will let you know after I try your suggestions. I will also check back for any more. Thank you again.

Well, time has been a factor this week. I did manage to bypass the starter and crank the engine. It cranks but does not fire. I removed the spark plug and cranked it and then replaced but still no fire. I replaced the ground to the motor and also replaced both battery cables. Do I head to wiring next?? All this stuff is so hard to get to. Thanks again for your help.
You "by passed" the starter? Is that to say you jumpered the starter without going through the solenoid? If that is the case, you would not be getting a spark because your electrical system is not energized. You just have current going to the starter, no place else.
I put jumper cables on and bypassed the starter. How do I test for spark? Remember, I am just a chick on a farm with a golf cart, not a mechanic. Forgive my ignorance, but I am just sort of self-taught. Thanks you guys for all of your help and overlooking my shortfalls.

If you are just using jumpers on the starter, chances are you will have spark down the road. Never mind the spark now and find out why that starter is not operating correctly. Take a pair of pliers and jump the solenoid by putting one handle on each of the large posts. If the starter tuns over, you know that the problem is in the solenoid or the wiring up to the solenoid. If you put your test light on the small wire coming into the solenoid and to ground, you should get current when you press down on the gas pedal. Also, I seem to remember that cart has 2 small terminals. Doesn't one go to ground? If so, is that ground good? If you do not get current there, when you press the gas, follow the hot towards the front of the cart and keep checking to see where the current stops. Put a brick on the gas pedal so it is activated. When you get to any micro switch, make sure it has hot coming to one side of it.
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