1989 club car


New Member
I'm having a problem getting my electric car to go. I have just wired it according to the wiring
diagram and have replaced the solenoid. I can run a jumper from the solenoid to a battery post to get it
to move but it drains the batteries to fast. Was hoping someone could lead me down the right path. I'm
Just learning so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well, I am no electric cart guy. But I do know that a lot of people can get one battery put in back wards. Something to check, until the electric guys show up.

And welcome to the forum.
have you tried jumping across the 2 large post on soleniod? if so will it run? how about the microswitch that activates the soleniod is it ok? its in the V- glide box.................................
Jumping across the solenoid will make it run. I replaced the microswittch in the v-glide but it still won't run.
very little chance of wiring it wrong..............you did get a golfcart solenoid right? and yes its very possible you got a bad one it happens all the time.........if the micro switch is good its either a bad solenoid or the wires that run to it from the micro switch..........................
The solenoid is new. Is there a possibility I wired it wrong ? ( there were no markings on the solenoid). Did I just get a bad one?
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